How Gaming Affects Health: Changing Health Conditions
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
An interesting fact: controlled gambling contributes to health. The psychological and physiological component falls under the favorable influence. Playing in is essentially a dosed stress, so the beneficial effect the same as that of specially induced stress.
Мedical experiments prove that controlled play is an excellent anti-stress. Playing games on a regular basis helps reduce tension and improves well-being.
What benefits does gambling bring to the physical state
Slots together with card games, are CNS stimulants. Result:
- The body starts producing dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline.
- The blood is saturated with these hormones, which causes brain activity.
- Joy, pleasant nervous excitement, light stress - what the player feels during the game.
The human body is exposed to a similar effect when it makes love, sports training or quarrels.
Scientists made many conclusions after the experiment, during which the subjects gambled:
- A small dose of stress - training for the central nervous system.
- Physical resistance to stress increases.
- Gambling on a regular basis increases the ability to work.
The hormone surges that occur while playing in a live casino are useful if they are dosed. As a result, cognitive function is trained.
Part of the tests studied the duration of the effect of realized excitement. It turned out that amateur players with experience are less prone to memory loss with age than those who are not playing at all.
Playing people are more stress-resistant and not prone to emotional fatigue. Excellent work capacity and endurance allow them to achieve great success at work, including career growth.
Relationship between passion and mental activity
A proven fact: gambling trains not only the psyche but also mental activity. During games, people train their attention and logical thinking, so mental abilities benefit.
The development of a strategy, a balanced approach to the game, the calculation of combinations are pumps the brain. The positive effect is in everyday life:
- Increases the speed of decisions.
- In a difficult situation, a person behaves calmly.
- The number of conflicts is reduced, and the number of cases of non-standard, effective thinking is increasing.
What are the benefits for the psyche?
“Psychological unloading” are words that most accurately describe the effect of dosed gambling.
When placing a bet, the player experiences stress, but at the same time sheds the negative, relaxes. This relaxation can be compared with what a person experiences after taking a small amount of alcohol, violent sex, quarrels. At the same time, a person can achieve psychological relief on his own without doping or a partner. Regular play contributes to the development of balance.
How to maintain a healthy psyche and mental activity? Play controlled
Moderate playing is analogous to the love of alcohol and sweets within reasonable limits. A person can and should control himself so that the useful does not turn into poisonous.
For example, chocolate in the amount of 50 grams is a source of joyful emotions and good mood, as endorphins are produced. Daily consumption of 500 grams of chocolate is the cause of obesity and the development of diabetes.
The same situation with games. Uncontrolled passion will lead to the rapid destruction of personality. But the game 1-2 times a week is a good remedy for stress.
The ability to control interest in live casino games turns a hobby into a useful activity that works as anti-stress.
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