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4 Neurological Disorders That Cause Dysphagia

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Dysphagia is the name given to any form of swallowing issues, and it can be caused by any number of underlying conditions, ranging from sore throats to serious neurological conditions. Dysphagia, especially when it’s severe, can be extremely debilitating because it limits the food you can eat and restricts how you need to eat it, meaning attending family meals can be difficult. According to the Swallowing Disorder Foundation, around 15 million American adults face Dysphagia at some point in their lives. Fortunately, despite being scary, dysphagia is managed and can disappear with proper care. If you notice swallowing issues developing without an obvious reason, go get checked out because it could be any of these neurological disorders. 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS attacks nerves around the base of the spinal cord and inside the brain, making it a neurological disorder. The cause of MS isn’t known at this point, which means there’s no cure. However, symptoms can be managed to give sufferers the best life experience possible. MS is most commonly diagnosed between 20 and 40, which can be scary after having full motor functionality your whole life. 

Chewing relies on our throat and mouth working together, but MS can attack surrounding nerves, rendering us unable to swallow food. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the condition at home with a series of thickening agents, diets, and mealtime planning. When it comes to liquids, try using SimplyThick powder to make them easier to swallow. 

Brain Tumors

Our brains are responsible for the way our bodies move and how we think, meaning brain tumors can have a profound impact on us. When a brain tumor develops, it can put pressure on healthy parts or spread. Unfortunately, this can leave us with motor problems, including dysphagia, depending on the tumor's location. 


We need oxygen to function properly, which is why respiratory problems can be extremely serious. When our brains are starved of oxygen, for whatever reason, it can lead to a stroke. They can happen at any age, so it’s important to understand the warning signs. During the recovery stages, many people suffer from dysphagia and may need help eating. 

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease damages the nervous system and presents itself through motor dysfunctionality. The first sign of this disease is trembling hands, which is usually telling you to visit a doctor immediately. There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but many charities and organizations are working hard to come up with answers. Alongside a large list of symptoms, Parkinson’s disease can cause dysphagia as it damages the muscles around the throat. 

Dysphagia is the scientific term for swallowing issues, and it can be caused by any medical condition that attacks the muscled and nerves around the throat and mouth. In particular, neurological disorders are one of the leading causes of problems swallowing. Luckily, with careful planning, thickening agents, wise diet choices, and plenty of time for meals, the symptoms can be managed effectively. 


image courtesy of unsplash

