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Project SEARCH at Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital Wins Award

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Project SEARCH at Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital was recognized with an "Excellent Outcome Award" at the 15th annual Project SEARCH Conference in Baltimore, MD, on July 26. This is the fifth time the hospital has received this recognition for high employment outcomes.

Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health partners include Jefferson, the Y.A.L.E. School, the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities, the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and Samost Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Southern New Jersey.

Interns at Jefferson train in a variety of hospital departments, including Health Information Management, Patient Transport, Pharmacy, Storeroom, Food Service, Maintenance, and Environmental Services. Jefferson has hired several interns upon completion of their Project SEARCH internships.

There are now 681 Project SEARCH programs in 48 states and nine countries, including 15 programs in New Jersey.
