The Political Elite Is Going After Trump's Jugular Vein
Thursday, June 09, 2022
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNewsnet
WASHINGTON, DC (June 9, 2022)--For the entire four-year term of Trump's presidency, the Democrats and some Republicans never stopped slandering him or his family. Their numerous impeachments all failed. Although Trump has been out of office for 18 plus months the Political Elite are not through with him. Their latest scheme is to put him on trial during prime time television.
Tonight's televised hearing by the Congressional House Select Democratic Committee is just one of a series of televised performances that will be presented by the committee leading up to the November midterm election according to Julie Kelly, a former political consultant and book author. (see her video interview below)
Kelly claims that the Democrats are planning to indict Trump for insurrection in October a month before the midterm election.
Former President Trump said today that several days before January 6 he, as president suggested and offered up to 20,000 National Guard or troops be deployed in D.C. "Had they taken up the offer, there would have been no January 6th."
Trump made the offer to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D), who as speaker of the House is in charge of security. "The committee has ruled Pelosi 'off limits', no questions."
That day (January 6) inside the Capitol building the process of challenging the outcome of the November election was moving towards completion. But, because of the mob riot outside of the Capitol that challenge by Republicans was never completed.
Trump knew he had the votes to have the election results reviewed so why would he incite a riot?
It doesn't make any sense.
With inflation at a all time high, gas prices at $5 a gallon and higher, food shortages, mass shootings, it will be interesting to see if the public will pay any attention to these latest 'Dog and Pony' shows. To make sure they do the organizers of these hearings have taken unusual steps to win people's attention. They have hired a former ABC news exec to produce the charade.
At a Chevron station in Santa Ana, California near John Wayne Airport last Friday afternoon, the anger was aimed at President Biden and his party, as Californians grappled with gas prices registering that day at $6.59 a gallon, according to the New York Times.
“I’m really unhappy,” Carmen Vega, 47, of Anaheim, said, adding that she voted for Mr. Biden but was now considering backing Republicans in the midterm elections. “The economy sucks right now, everything’s too expensive.”
The New York Times article stated, "Five months before the midterm elections, Democrats are straining to defend their narrow House majority in a brutal political environment shaped by high inflation, Mr. Biden’s low approval ratings and a strong sense among many Americans that the country is on the wrong track."
JULIE KELLY is a former political consultant in suburban Chicago and a stay-at-home mom. She is a senior contributor to American Greatness. Her past work can be found in the Federalist, National Review, the Hill, and The Wall Street Journal. Kelly wrote about food policy, agriculture, and climate change before covering politics in the Trump era. She lives in Orland Park, Illinois, with her husband and two daughters.