NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Adjusting New Jersey income tax for inflation supported
NJ Politics: Congressional Candidate Gustafson Says Norcross's Gas Bill Nothing But Hot Air

New Playground Coming to Proprietor's Park

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (JUNE 27, 2022)--The City of Gloucester City has been awarded $247,000 Community Capital Needs Grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA )and the Neighborhood Preservation Program for an inclusive Playground at Proprietor's Park. 

This grant will provide for the construction of a playground which will be available to all children with different levels of ability.  With the additional assistance of funds from the Camden County Commissioners' Open Space Recreation Grant, the park will be accessible for any types of assistive devices for children to enjoy. 

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For more information, contact Lori Ryan, Director of Community Development, [email protected].  

