NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Make an appointment with the Philadelphia Permit and License Center
Sean Figaro, aka “Carlito,” aka “Carlito the don,” 35, of Atlantic City Sentenced for Heroin Trafficking

MOORESTOWN Lawn Chair Concert Series


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2022 Lawn Chair Concert Series – June 6 and 13

FREE Outdoor Concerts RETURN to Moorestown this Summer!

Bring your lawn chair to Perkins Center for the Arts Evergreen Lawn and enjoy appropriately, socially distant, free concerts featuring Perkins’ Conservatory of Music faculty and their professional colleagues.

This annual Summer event will feature two concerts at our Moorestown location. Bring your family and friends (including pets) to our Moorestown Center and enjoy a picnic on our Evergreen Lawn during the concert!

This year’s concert series kicks off in June with the music of The Golden Eagle Band!

Monday, June 6 | 6:30 PM

Event: Concert starts with Children’s entertainment from Beverly Pugh Corry

Main Act: The Golden Eagle Band  @ 7:00 PM

Monday, June 13 | 6:30 PM

Event: The concert opens with Children’s entertainment from Beverly Pugh Corry

Main event:  All Tuned Up @ 7:00 PM

This series is FREE and open to the public. All ages are welcome. Our concerts are presented by Horizon Foundation for New Jersey with additional support from PNC Arts Alive and the Frank and Lydia Bergen Foundation. We thank our funders for their generous support that enables us to provide the gift of music to our communities.
