NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Geraldine M. Dingwitz, of Bellmawr age 80
Fort Delaware State Park Visitors Will Have Smoother Ride This Summer

All-Day Colonial Festival/Skirmish Reenactment in Haddonfield on June 4

The Skirmish Returns to South Jersey After Two-Year Pause, Bringing Outdoor Family-Fun

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On Saturday, June 4, 2022, the British will invade Haddonfield and be challenged by Continental troops, just as they did 244 years ago — in June 1778. 
The day’s events include many other activities such as a Yelling Contest, Colonial Dancing, Pillory Prisoners and Character reenactors. Plus, Soldier reenactors will be available to meet visitors before and after the Skirmish. 
Redcoats on horseback will charge, muskets will be fired, and the Continentals will try to stop the redcoats before they head off to the Battle at Monmouth. General Washington had ordered the militia to “annoy” the Redcoats, and so we will again.
The clash and other events takes place on Kings Highway. There will be plenty of sidewalk space for viewing and cheering along Kings Highway and the conflict should take about 20 minutes. Tours of the historic tavern will be offered all day.

When:  Saturday, June 4, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ET

Where: Haddonfield New Jersey (Press check-in table outside of Rising Sun Masonic Lodge, 16 Kings Hwy E).

What: The Skirmish, a family-friendly, day-long colonial festival, and reenactment of a historical "skirmish" between the British and colonials that took place in Haddonfield 244 years ago – in June 1778 – is back after a two-year pause!

Schedule of Events:


9 a.m.: Breakfast with the Troops, First Presbyterian Church 

10 a.m.: Redcoats begin “looting and pillaging” Haddonfield

11 a.m. Brief clash between Redcoats and Continentals on Kings Highway

2 p.m.: The Skirmish, featuring redcoats on horseback, muskets, and reenactors on Kings Highway


See full schedule for times/locations of family-friendly fun and educational activities including Pony rides, colonial dancing, battle of the brews, history fair, quilt-making workshop with Betsy Ross, yelling contest, sword fighting, blacksmith demo, musical performances, colonial window displays, silversmith demo, and much more.

Full Schedule


Learn more about the Skirmish and Haddofield’s revolutionary history in this press release and on the Skirmish website.
