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Look Ahead America Says Pennsylvania Report Delegitimizes Biden’s Presidency 


Washington, DC (April 28, 2022)--– Look Ahead America (LAA) has finally released the long-awaited Pennsylvania Report today. Using publicly available data, the report shows conclusively that not only did the number of illegally ballots in Pennsylvania determine the outcome of the presidential election, but also the state treasurer election. WASHINGTON POLITICS

This report, combined with LAA’s Georgia and Wisconsin Reports that reached the same conclusion, now puts the outcome of the 2020 General Election into question beyond a reasonable doubt.  

Matt Braynard, LAA’s Executive Director, made the following statement: 

Despite being a new and nimble organization with a limited budget, we have now conclusively determined that illegal ballots were determinative in the outcome of the US Presidential election. The states of Georgia, Wisconsin, and now Pennsylvania combined constitute forty-six electoral votes—more than enough to have swung the election.  

Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research, made the following statement: 

This research establishes that Pennsylvania never should have certified their results and that the state broke the law by not holding the necessary recount.  It’s also established that the PA Secretary of State provided false information under oath to the US Supreme Court and must be held accountable. 

To read the full details of the report, check it out at
