NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

COLLEGE BASEBALL: Rowan Sweeps Rutgers-Newark
GUEST OPINION: George Santos Signals Renaissance For GOP in New York’s Suburbs

Gloucester Township Hockey Alliance Tournament April 23rd to May 1st

Gloucester Township Police Traffic Advisory

Beginning Saturday, April 23rd through May 1st, the Gloucester Township Hockey Alliance is hosting the 2022 NSHA-GTHA Nationals tournament. The tournament will be taking place at the Gloucester Township Marge Martin Sports Complex located at 430 Woodbury-Turnersville Road in the Lakeland Section. Community events

Next Two Weekends: Drivers in the area may experience minor delays on Saturday April 23rd and Sunday 24th, then again on Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st, between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 pm.

Upcoming Weekdays: From Monday April 25th through Friday April 29th, delays may occur between 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm each night.

For information regarding the tournament, please contact the Gloucester Township Hockey Alliance. 
