NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester County Officials Attend Events Throughout SJ
COLLEGE BASEBALL: Rowan Sweeps Rutgers-Newark

Gloucester County Officials Attend Special Officer II Graduation at Police Academy


Commissioner Christopher Konawel Jr., Commissioner Jim Jefferson, Director Frank J. DiMarco, County Clerk James Hogan, Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer.

Gloucester County Board of Commissioners celebrated the graduation of the Thirty-Third Special Officer II Class of the Gloucester County Police Academy.


Established in 1988, ​the Gloucester County Police Academy conducts basic police training, SLEO I and II training, and many in-service training courses. It has been designated by the New Jersey Police Training Commission as the regional provider of SLEO II training and was selected as one of New Jersey’s four original police academies to conduct the Alternate Route Training Program.

Congratulations to our most recent graduates!


County Clerk James Hogan, Director Frank J. DiMarco, Commissioner Jim Jefferson
