NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

CNB Travel Alert: Rt 73/Mays Landing Road to be closed for railroad-crossing repairs in Winslow
Gloucester County Officials Attend Special Officer II Graduation at Police Academy

Gloucester County Officials Attend Events Throughout SJ

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Gloucester County Commissioner Nicholas DeSilvio attended the Franklin Township Little League Opening Day.


The league named their field in memory of George Harrison and opening pitches were made by his 4 children, while his wife Heather stood in for George while the All-Star team was acknowledged. Franklin Township Little League offers baseball and softball to children from age 4 to 16 years old. The little league is run strictly by volunteers and almost exclusively on the funds collected from fundraisers, donations, and registration fees.



Commissioner Jim Jefferson joined Angels of God Community Outreach and their purple army to assemble 1,200 Easter baskets for children, senior citizens and veterans filled with goodies for families in need.

Elissa Darrow leads the purple army today along with two of her daughters Lindsay and Brenna.


Angels of God Community Outreach’s mission is to give a hand UP to those in need. They accomplish this by providing clothing, toiletries, food, and more at no cost to those financially in need.


They respond to basic human needs and promote dignity and hope. Their goal is also to provide social activities and holiday events to children in need.

To learn more about Angels of God Community Outreach, visit



Commissioner Jim Jefferson along with Clerk Jim Hogan and Surrogate Giuseppe (Joe) Chila attended the Gibbstown Little League opening day and parade. They joined Mayor Vince Giovannitti and Councilman Tony Chila to welcome players back to the field.

Saturday, April 9 marked the opening day for many baseball leagues across Gloucester County! Good luck to all our players, play ball!


Commissioner Jim Jefferson is pictured with Coach/Dad Josh Homan and his son Weston Homan.



Commissioner Jim Jefferson alongside County Clerk James Hogan, Surrogate Joe Chila, Mayor Vince Giovannitti and Councilman Tony Chila.


Commissioner Jim Jefferson, Max Drattell, Director Frank J. DiMarco, Rob Marquardt, Surrogate Giuseppe (Joe) Chila, and County Clerk Jim Hogan

Director Frank J. DiMarco, Clerk Jim Hogan, Commissioner Jim Jefferson, and Surrogate Giuseppe Chila attended the re-opening celebration at Charlie Browns Fresh Grill.


Director DiMarco and Commissioner Jim Jefferson presented a Proclamation to President Rob Marquardt and Partner/Business Development Director Max Drattell. The Board of Commissioners is happy to welcome back a resident favorite to Gloucester County!
