NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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OFFICER DOWN—San Jacinto County Deputy Constable Adams Shot and Killed

HOUSTON, TEXAS FEB 24, 2022 (CNBNEWSNET)—Deputy Constable Neil Adams was shot FDA685C5-EC71-496C-B3EA-451E64E954DAand killed with his own service weapon after being attacked inside of the PlazAmericas Mall in the 7500 block of Bellaire Boulevard of Houston.

The subject was able to disarm Deputy Adams and fatally shot him shortly before 4:00 pm. The man then fled to the mall's food court where he was shot and killed by two Houston police officers when he approached him with an edged weapon.

Deputy Adams had served with the San Jacinto County Constable's Office - Precinct 1 for two years and was assigned as the agency's environmental officer. He had previously served with the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office for eight years. He is survived by his wife.


Via Officer Down Memorial Page

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