Letters to the Editor: Should The State Take Control of Gloucester City?
Monday, December 27, 2021
I'm sorry I didn't know about the Gloucester City Council meeting in time so I wasn't able to attend.
Concerning a vehicle for the Housing Department - years ago I was married to a Construction Official. He used his own vehicle and was re-imbursed for mileage. Later, he was given an old police car which had already been fully depreciated.
No new vehicle because there was no need.
I have been making subtle hints such as "we need to get adults to run the city" and "I'd hate to see the State of NJ take over the city as they did in Camden and Atlantic City."
Now I think we're at the point where we have to seriously consider this alternative.
I did some research. The State Legislature has to approve the takeover. If they don't? That would make public what we all know about our state government.
The legislature can overturn city council decisions, over-ride or dissolve city government agencies and sell or seize any or all assets.
The reasons which you must provide for a takeover is any one or more of these.
1) City government lack of effectiveness and accountability
2) Land use development
3) Economic development
4) Irresponsible financial development
5) Public safety
Am I alone in thinking we need to bring in some adults to help the average taxpayer?
Dorothy Philbin
Gloucester City, NJ