NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Jayne Ann Spackman, of Collingswood former employee of Chubby's and Steak 38
Gary Olt, of Audubon


William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (November 8, 2021)--During our walk today,  we saw two lovely cats on Stites Avenue near the railroad tracks and a block from the Lane Avenue Playground. It was 10:30 AM when we saw them.  The cat in  the top photo was a dark brown with a white and brown face. The cat in the bottom photo was white with brown  patches. She was wearing a collar. Both were friendly and well groomed. Neither one was afraid of Peyton, who wanted to play with them. 

Such a beautiful day, maybe their owner just let them out for their daily walk. The white cat, who was laying in the middle of street, nearly got hit by a car.

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