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Project Veritas VIDEO: GOV. Phil Murphy to Impose State-Wide COVID Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to Impose State-Wide COVID Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election; Senior Advisor Reveals It Cannot Be Done ‘Before the Elections’ Because ‘Right Now Is About Him Winning’ 

  • Wendy Martinez, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Campaign Senior Advisor: “He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections. Because of the independents and the undecided.”
  • Martinez: “They [independents and undecideds] are all into all the sh*t. My rights, my sh*t -- and they don’t care if they kill everybody.”
  • Martinez: Governor Murphy “will [implement COVID vaccine mandate], but right now is about him winning. It will be fine.”
  • Matthew Urquijo, Manager of New Jersey Forward: “The problem is right now -- because it’s election season – he [Governor Murphy] is not going to have people [in the campaign] say like, ‘We're gonna have a [COVID vaccine] mandate now.’ Because, you know, for some people that’s going to piss them off. I think once, you know, we have a win, he’s like, ‘Alright, guns blazing, like, who cares, I’m in it. Let’s do the mandates, let’s do this, X, Y, and Z.’”



[NEWARK, N.J. – Oct. 25, 2021] Project Veritas Action Fund released a new video today exposing two Phil Murphy supporters directly tied to his re-election campaign. Murphy currently serves as New Jersey’s governor.

Wendy Martinez, who is a senior advisor in the Murphy campaign, was recorded admitting that the governor intends to implement a COVID vaccine mandate – but that the announcement would only be made after the November 2 election:

Wendy Martinez, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Campaign Senior Advisor: What do you mean the mandates?” 

Veritas Journalist: “The [COVID] vaccine mandates, like California, that has the mandate that everyone has to be vaccinated.”

Martinez: “He [Murphy] is going to do it, but he couldn’t do it before the elections. Because of the independents and the undecided.” 

Veritas Journalist: “The independents and the undecided would not vote for him if he did the mandates.” 

Martinez: “Because they are all into all the sh*t. My rights, my sh*t -- and they don’t care if they kill everybody.”

Veritas Journalist: “Well, you see that’s good to know then…after he wins, then he’ll do the mandates. The [COVID] vaccine mandates.”

Martinez: “He will, but right now is about him winning. It will be fine.”

Manager of New Jersey Forward, Matthew Urquijo, whose organization works in tandem with the New Jersey Democratic State Committee and has the objective of re-electing Murphy, echoed the same sentiment as Martinez: 

Veritas Journalist:Do you think he [Murphy] will do something about that? Like the [COVID] vaccine mandates and stuff?” 

Matthew Urquijo, Manager of New Jersey Forward: I think so. I think the problem is right now -- because it’s election season – he is not going to have people [in the campaign] say like, ‘We're gonna have a [COVID vaccine] mandate now.’ Because, you know, for some people that’s going to piss them off. I think once, you know, we have a win, he’s like, ‘Alright, guns blazing, like, who cares, I’m in it. Let’s do the mandates, let’s do this, X, Y, and Z.’” 

Veritas Journalist: “So, you think if he [Murphy] talks about mandates for [COVID] vaccines now, he won't get elected because it's a lot of push back?”

Urquijo: “Not that he won't [get elected], but I think there are some people that, you know, might push back.”



Project Veritas Action Fund will be releasing a Part 2 of this series exposing Governor Murphy’s re-election campaign later this week.

If any New Jersey resident has information regarding state elections that the public should know about, please visit

Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe’s book, “American Muckraker,” is available for pre-sale now. Click here to pre-order a copy today.

About Project Veritas Action Fund

James O'Keefe established Project Veritas Action Fund in 2014 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas Action Fund investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. O'Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas Action Fund culture. Project Veritas Action Fund is a registered 501(c)4 organization.

