NJDOT Office of Maritime Resources to advertise multiple projects early in 2022
Friday, October 22, 2021
Contractors encouraged to get pre-qualified so they are eligible to bid
(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced that the Department’s Office of Maritime Resources is planning to advertise contracts for maintenance and capital dredging projects in the Delaware River and NY/NJ Harbor regions of the state in early 2022.
The work that will go out to bid in 2022 is in addition to ongoing maintenance work in the Atlantic coastal region. The new work areas will include larger volume projects that may require larger equipment and/or mechanical equipment that has not typically been required for NJDOT’s coastal assets.
Bidders with experience and equipment suitable for work in New Jersey’s northern and southern port regions are encouraged to promptly prequalify for NJDOT Work Types 40 (Environmental Dredging) and 43 (Navigational Dredging).
Only contractors with a current prequalification in the specified Work Type are allowed to bid on advertised work.
Instructions for prequalification can be found at:
Procurement Overview - Doing Business (state.nj.us)
A six month lookahead for upcoming projects can be found at:
Planned Advertisements, Construction Services, Procurement, Doing Business (state.nj.us)
Projects will be advertised formally for bid on Bid Express: www.bidexpress.com