NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

NJ Democrats Just Loved Biden's Story About The Amtrak Conductor Angelo...Even Though The Tale Was UNTRUE
Project Veritas Action Fund Releases a 2nd Video Exposes NJ Gov. Murphy’s Re-election Campaign; $40 Million for Illegals

NJ Republican Candidate for Governor Releases Statement on Project Veritas Video

The Ciattarelli campaign released the following statement in response to the Project Veritas video released this evening: NEW JERSEY POLITICS 2

“The video released tonight appears to show high-level Phil Murphy campaign advisors revealing that the Governor is secretly planning to implement a statewide vaccine mandate if re-elected, but refusing to do so before the election because it would hurt him politically. If true, this is the ultimate hypocrisy and an appalling lack of transparency. Our campaign has long suggested that the Governor was too willing to put political science before actual science during this pandemic. If this tape is verified, Governor Murphy has a lot of explaining to do. Any attempt by the Governor or his allies to distract attention away from that responsibility or blame others is unacceptable,” said Stami Williams, Ciattarelli campaign spokeswoman.
