NEW JERSEY POLITICS: Guardian & Swift Pledge to Cap Local Government Salaries
Friday, October 29, 2021
NORTHFIELD – In response to the announcement that the Atlantic City School Board hired Mayor Marty Small’s wife as the city’s school superintendent at a salary of $210,000 per year, Republican Assembly Candidates Don Guardian and Claire Swift today announced that once elected they would introduce legislation to cap local government salaries so they could not exceed that of the Governor.
“I question how the school board can pay one of its employees such an exorbitant salary while the city is still under state supervision and management,” said Don Guardian. “Taxpayers are concerned about the increases in school funding being used for increased administrative salaries; the money needs to be better invested to increase graduation rates and keep students engaged in learning.”
“We can’t continue to watch Atlantic City make the same bad decisions over and over again while the state takeover continues,” said Claire Swift. “It’s bad enough that Mazzeo and Armato wrote the disastrous PILOT legislation which bailed out Atlantic City on the backs of working families. It’s worse to then take those PILOT revenues and pay outrageous local government salaries. Our teachers and students need better learning environments, increasedadministrative salaries do nothing to benefit a student”