How to Prevent and Prepare For a Choking Incident
Friday, October 22, 2021
Unfortunately, choking is a much more common hazard than most people think, especially when it comes to kids who eat unsupervised at school. Recently, a student-athlete at Tufts University, tragically passed away due to a hot dog eating contest for a local charity. A death that is so sudden and unpredictable, it’s hard to be fully prepared. With choking being the country’s 4th leading cause of accidental death, Arthur Lih, inventor of a de-choking device, says, “There’s a lack of awareness about the dangers of choking. I think most people would be surprised to find out that the current standard procedures do not always work.”
That’s where LifeVac comes in. Saving over 189 lives to date, this device is especially imperative to children with disabilities, particularly those in wheelchairs, who may have no other option in a choking emergency.
“LifeVac is an FDA-registered and highly effective device to use in a choking emergency. Every school can benefit from having a life-saving tool like LifeVac on hand at all times.” Say, Lih.
LifeVac’s simple, user-friendly design makes it easy for anyone to use should the potentially tragic situation present itself. Teachers, administrators, and yard supervisors alike can successfully implement the device as needed, saving the lives of children no matter where at school the unexpected choking might occur. Despite popular belief, choking is a serious and common risk among both kids and adults. Some of the most disheartening choking statistics might surprise you. Here are some important safety points to consider for choking danger prevention:
Choking is the 4th leading cause of accidental death. One child dies every five days, as well as five thousand people total a year in the US alone.
Every year, several kids tragically choke to death while at school. This is not a rare freak accident.
Full hot dogs and grapes are at the top of the list for high-risk choking foods.
Abdominal thrusts are only 50% to 70% effective even when performed by a trained professional. Having a LifeVac brings the chance of survival up to 99%.
Keep kids safe at home and at the school lunch tables. Protect against life-threatening accidents with the innovative, proven LifeVac device. The LifeVac airway clearing device is small and easily transportable, even in a school backpack or a purse.