Gloucester City Council Revokes Rental Licenses of Four Landlords for Violating Housing Code
Friday, October 29, 2021
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (October 29, 2021)--Gloucester City Mayor and Council, at their meeting, Thursday night, October 28 passed resolutions to revoke the rental licenses of four landlords who violated Chapter 55 of the city code.
Owner Property location
Kenneth Wallace 23 N. Harley Avenue
Jonathan Siebert 112 N. Broadway
Christopher Zimmitt 228 Warren St.
Christopher Zimmitt 321 Warren St.
Chapter 55 deals with rental property registration, licensing, and maintenance of those properties. Each rental property will be vacant for the next year.
In other matters, Atlantic Salt was awarded the bid for No. 1 sodium chloride at $8.85 per ton and $62.85 per ton for pre-treated liquid enhance sodium chloride. Council passed an ordinance on first reading pertaining to Chapter 55 of the Gloucester City Code. The amendment states if a property has any outstanding vacant property fees, the fees must be paid prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. Second reading and public hearing for the new law is scheduled for November 23.
Several resolutions were approved requesting the State Director of the Division of Local Government Services to approve funds received from various grants to be inserted into the 2021 city budget.
The amounts are:
$107,000-Small Cities Housing Rehabilitation
400,000-Small Cities CDBG 2021 Hudson St. Program
125,000-Neighborhood Preservation Program
311,393-Urban Enterprise Zone Assistance Fund
Total amount to be inserted into the 2021 budget is $943,393.
Council approved the payment of bills from September 24 to October 21 in the amount of $2,096,098 along with the bills for October 28 in the amount of $236,744 for a total of amount of $2,332,843.
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