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NJ Lottery Renews Its Commitment to Prevention of Underage Lottery Play


TRENTON-- Early the month the New Jersey Lottery (NJL) and the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, Inc. (CCGNJ) launched the Lottery’s annual “Not 18 Yet? No Bet” awareness campaign, which reminds residents and retailers that New Jersey law prohibits the sale of lottery tickets by or to anyone under the age of 18. NJL Executive Director James Carey and CCGNJ Acting Executive Director Felicia Grondin renewed their organizations’ commitment to responsible play and the prevention of underage gambling at the campaign’s kickoff event held at Corner Xpress, 5 Lawrenceville Pennington Road in Lawrence Township, a Lottery retailer.

“The New Jersey Lottery has a longstanding commitment to promoting responsible play and preventing underage lottery participation,” said Carey. “We work closely with the CCGNJ to raise awareness about the age restriction on lottery play amongst our retailers in New Jersey and we support the Council’s ongoing efforts to prevent underage gambling. Responsible gaming is central to our overall mission of providing a first-class Lottery experience.”

As part of its effort, the New Jersey Lottery has developed a “Not 18 Yet? No Bet” brochure providing information about the most prevalent types of teen betting, and ways to recognize signs of a gambling problem, for retailer and player education. The brochure also provides concerned individuals with contact information on how to receive advice and assistance. The brochure is available at more than 7,000 Lottery retailer locations, at all Lottery-sponsored exhibits and events and may be downloaded from the NJ Lottery website: "Not 18 Yet? No Bet" Brochure

Following today’s event, the Lottery provided the CCGNJ with additional “Not 18 Yet? No Bet” brochures and supplies of branded pencils for use by the Council. The pencils are imprinted with the message “LOTTERY IS NOT CHILD’S PLAY, You Must Be 18 Or Older To Play The NJ Lottery.

In addition, the “Not 18 Yet? No Bet” message and the 1-800-GAMBLER® Helpline number are continually flashed on Lottery’s digital messaging screens at all retailer locations.

“Preventing the onset of gambling addiction among adolescents and young adults is a major focus of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey. The New Jersey Lottery's message of how to recognize signs of problem gambling in minors is of significant benefit to the Council in its work to educate residents about the dangers that exist for young people who engage in any type of gambling,” said Grondin. “The Lottery continues to be a great partner in promoting Council’s helpline number. If a parent thinks their child might have a gambling problem, they can call 1-800-GAMBLER® anytime for support and information.”

The Lottery has had a representative on the Council’s board of directors since June 1999. The problem gambling helpline number (1-800-GAMBLER®) is printed on every Lottery ticket, brochure and sign, and appears as a tag line on the Lottery’s radio and television advertisements. Finally, the Lottery’s website directs visitors to the Council’s website (, which provides the public with free information and help for compulsive gambling problems.

The New Jersey Lottery has also received international recognition for its responsible gaming initiatives, obtaining the highest level of achievement by the World Lottery Association (WLA) for its adherence to the Responsible Gaming Principles and Responsible Gaming Framework that is ingrained in the Lottery’s day-to-day operations.
