VIDEO: Mom Tells Georgia School Board No More Face Masks for Youngsters
Monday, August 09, 2021
UPDATED with new video
(CNBNEWS)--A Georgia mom is going viral after she grilled school board members for making young children wear masks and socially distance despite there being little evidence that kids are severely at risk of contracting COVID-19.
Here in New Jersey, Phil Murphy the Governor has mandated mask for school children in the fall. Just wrong! Remove your kids from their school and Home School them. Or put them in a charter school. The psychological damage that is being done to our children won't be known for sometime but they are being damaged especially socially. See video below, also read articles, please. ~CNBNews
Much to Forgive
Adults have failed children in foisting unnecessary, harmful Covid-19 restrictions on them.
April 20, 2021
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul,” Nelson Mandela famously said, “than the way in which it treats its children.” By that standard, our society now has the soul of an abusive parent. The pandemic has turned American adults, or at least the ones who make the rules, into selfish neurotics who have been punishing innocent children for over a year—and still can’t restrain themselves.
When the pandemic began, the lack of knowledge about Covid-19 justified this behavior. That excuse has vanished. It became clear long ago that the virus is less dangerous to children than the flu, and that keeping schools open poses minimal risk of spreading infections. Yet despite this evidence—and despite the widespread availability of vaccines to teachers and other adults—many schools have yet to reopen full-time, and others are still making students as miserable as possible. CONTINUE TO READ
Mandatory masking of school children is a bad idea
California health officials have mandated masks for all students when schools reopen on the grounds that “treating all kids the same will support a calm and supportive school environment.”
There is a much better way to achieve the same goal: discontinue mask wearing for all students, vaccinated or not.
The benefits of masks in preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19 among children are infinitesimally small. At the same time they are disruptive to learning and communicating in classrooms. They may be partially effective in shielding adults from COVID, but since when is it ethical to burden children for the benefit of adults?
COVID-19 is less of a threat to children than accidents or the common flu. The survival rate among American children with confirmed cases is approximately 99.99%; remarkably, recent studies find an even higher survival rate.
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study estimated that mask mandates in schools are associated with a roughly 20% reduction in COVID-19 incidence though the effect estimate was statistically indistinguishable from zero. Let’s take the 20% effect at face value and do
The video was also published on YouTube but as we know YouTube has a political agenda as such those in charge of censoring free speech removed the mother's remarks from their platform. ~ CNBNews