NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

SPECIAL REPORT: How NJ schools are racing to respond to a mental health crisis
Guest Opinion: Transgender Reports Are Startling

Page 13: Scrapbook of Carmen Palmiero, Outstanding GHS/Penn State Athlete Who Died Too Soon

DSC_7360 (1)Carmen Palmiero formerly of Brooklawn  was an outstanding all around athlete at Gloucester City High School in mid 1950’s. Palmiero was a  4 sport star playing Football, Basketball, Baseball and Track. Palmiero headed to Penn State after his graduation where he excelled in Basketball.

Tragically Palmiero and a friend died in an auto accident driving home for Christmas in his Sophomore year. We were recently provided with a copy of a scrapbook by Rose Van Eck, Carmen’s sister.

Hope this column provides an insight into Carmen both the man and athlete. Not sure of the Chronological order, but every  attempt was made to provide accuracy of events.Carmen Palmiero formerly of Brooklawn was an outstanding all around athlete at Gloucester City High School in mid 1950’s. Palmiero was a  4 sport star playing Football, Basketball, Baseball and Track. Palmiero headed to Penn State after his graduation where he excelled in Basketball.

As we head towards the final chapter into Carmen Palmiero the athlete we must wonder what could have been. I played in the Carmen Palmiero Basketball League before entering GHS. Growing up in Brooklawn his name frequently came up. As a grammar school athlete no one really knew of Carmen.

Today we continue with the final months in the life of Carmen 

For the past 22 years I have been the President of the CPBL and after all these years I really never knew the legend of Palmiero. Funny names that crossed my path while playing sports at GHS such as Les Neilio, Walt Ashe, Steve Shimkus and many other names appeared in this biography help lay a foundation for all the GHS athletes that walked the halls.

As we head into the final chapters of the Scrapbook of Carmen Palmiero, I hope everyone was able to think back to a time of innocents.

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