NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Page 11: Scrapbook of Carmen Palmiero, Outstanding GHS/Penn State Athlete Who Died Too Soon
AMERICAN LEGION STATE PLAYOFFS: Brooklawn Knocked Out by Allentown

To: Mr. Ackley, Gloucester City Housing Office, Acting Mayor Patrick Keating, and Members of City Council


 How much more can a person take in this town before , we just say the hell with it and leave ! 
I never missed a tax payment in 25 years , volunteered for many , many things in town, organized and  played free concerts for the string band in the park .
Why can't we get this house cleaned up? It's being sub- leased which I told you in person, you said blame King Phil ?????? 
I cannot even sit in my backyard without getting eaten alive by bugs !!! 
I have spent 100 plus dollars spraying especially in the corner , where the people behind me think it's the woods or a  junk yard.
   Ed Eells 
