OPINION : Something Must Be Done About The Trash/Litter Problem in Gloucester City
Saturday, July 31, 2021
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews
(photo credit CNBNews)
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ-Soul Food Profection is hosting a six-hour concert at its business today, July 31 starting at 2 PM. Trash pickup for Market Street isn't until Monday, which means the owner violates the city ordinance.
QUESTION: Was the owner cited for not having the proper receptacle for his trash and recyclables?
POLICE CHIEF/ACTING CITY ADMINSTRATOR MORRELL: "No ordinance requires commercial property owners to have a receptacle." See article here
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (July 31, 2021)Gloucester City Administrator/Police Chief Brian Morrell said this week the city has no law requiring commercial properties from keeping their trash in a closed receptacle. He did not explain why. Homeowners and apartment residents are required to do that why would the city not mandate the same rule for owners of commercial properties and the tenants who rent those buildings.
Today, The Soul Food Profection, 738 Market Street, is hosting a six-hour concert. Stacked outside of the premises is the trash shown above. The regularly scheduled day for trash pick up on Market Street is Mondays. The city ordinance states trash/recyclables are not to be placed at the curb until after 5 PM the night before pickup.
Take a walk down Broadway and visit some side streets along the way. The first thing you'll notice is the large amount of trash that is blowing about. It is a crisis. Litter, trash whatever you want to name it is everywhere. Sadly this problem is a reflection on everyone who lives in our City. It is no wonder residents lack community pride.
Mayor and council need to update trash laws. Start by requiring commercial properties to have dumpsters, and increase the fines for violation of any trash ordinance that is already on the books. Hire someone part-time to issue citations. Start making these repeat petty criminals do community service which would include policing the streets picking up trash.
Lastly, the people living here need to take pride in their properties. Mayor and council or the Small Business Association could hold an annual BEST BLOCK IN THE CITY contest. Residents living in the cleanest, best-maintained neighborhood would receive a prize such as a $25 gift certificate to spend at a retail business in Gloucester City.
To: Mr. Ackley, Gloucester City Housing Office, Acting Mayor Patrick Keating, and Members of City Council
Gloucester City Police Asked About Upcoming Entertainment Venue Being Held at Soulfood Profection Business
How did a bunch of little things turn into a “BIG THING” in our community?
CNBNEWS Point of View: Bring Community Pride Back to Gloucester City