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Norcross Votes to Pass INVEST in America Act

Norcross’ amendments will provide safe, clean drinking water & ensure our electric vehicle infrastructure is installed & maintained by qualified workers

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressmen Donald Norcross voted to pass the “Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act,” which includes funding for South Jersey priorities. The INVEST in America Act, which makes transformational investments in America’s highways, roads, bridges, transit, rail, and water infrastructure, will create jobs, modernize our infrastructure and reduce carbon pollution. This legislation puts some of the key pieces of President Biden’s infrastructure vision into legislative text.

“It is past time to bring our nation’s infrastructure into the modern era. This INVEST in America Act does this while also creating job opportunities for local workers and keeping our communities safe,” said Congressman Norcross. “For too long, Congress has failed to act boldly when it comes to our infrastructure, leaving our country with congested roads, failing sewer systems, lead in our pipes, unsafe bridges, infrequent and unreliable bus service and slow-moving trains. It’s time to build back better, create millions of good-paying jobs and restore our global competitiveness. I’m pleased my amendments that will help provide clean, safe water to every child and community and ensure our electrical vehicle infrastructure is built and maintained by trained workers are included in this bill. This vital legislation will put us on the right track to create economic opportunities in South Jersey and across the country.”

Two of Norcross’ amendments were included in the INVEST in America Act. One amendment works to provide safe, clean drinking water around the nation by addressing the urgent need for the EPA to develop guidance to identify lead service lines. The amendment ensures that high-risk areas are identified and works to prevent low-income communities from being left behind in remediation efforts. Norcross’ second amendment guarantees that as we invest billions in our electric charging infrastructure, the electric vehicle charging stations around the nation are built safely and built to last by ensuring that Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certified electricians do the work. EVITP is a national industry collaborative program that trains workers in the proper construction, installation, maintenance and updating of electric vehicle charging stations.
