NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Allissa DeStefano, age 30, of Toms River Charged With Allegedly Killing Three Dogs
Wreaths Across America Annual Giving in July Campaign

County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey Offering Four Scholarships Each Worth $3,500

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The County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey announces the availability of scholarships to college, graduate, and law students. Each scholarship is a one-year grant in the amount of $3,500.00 paid directly to the recipient. The scholarships include: 

The Oscar W. Rittenhouse Memorial Scholarship
The Andrew K. Ruotolo Jr. Memorial Scholarship
The Harris Y. Cotton Memorial Scholarship
The John H. Stamler Memorial Scholarship


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Deadline for submission of applications is September 3, 2021.

For applications for each scholarship please visit:
