NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Camps Opening for the Summer
Officer Down: Police Officer Manny Familia, age 38, Drowned Attempting to Rescue a Juvenile

Attention Morristown Residents: Collection of Recyclables Canceled

MORRISTOWN TOWNSHIP NJ (June 8, 2021)--The Township announced today that there will be no collection of recycling material this week because of the shortage of truck drivers.

There will be no recycling pickup this week. Please do not put your recycling User9480-1623153787-media1_aadff1_207_240_PrsMe_ containers at the curb.


Burlington County OTC Recycling has advised the Township that there will be no recycling pickups this week. We request that residents refrain from putting their recycling containers at the curb.

A national truck driver shortage is impacting trash and recycling collectors, including the County’s recycling contractor, the Occupational Training Center (OTC).

The OTC is working aggressively to solve this problem, but recycling pickup will be delayed for the next several weeks.

Township of Moorestown Police Department
1245 N Church St
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 856-234-8300
