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U.S. Coast Guard Prepares for Blue Angels Air Show in Annapolis May 25

Coast Guard establishes regulated area, boating restrictions for Blue Angels Air Show in Annapolis

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BALTIMORE, Md. – The Coast Guard will establish a regulated area across the Severn River in order to create a safe boating experience for the maritime public during the United States Naval Academy Commissioning Week Blue Angels Air Show in Annapolis, between 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Tuesday, May 25th and Wednesday, May 26th.

The regulated area will include the Severn River from the shoreline to shoreline bounded to the northwest by a line drawn along the U.S.-50 fixed highway bridge. The regulated area is bounded to the southeast by a line drawn from U.S. Naval Academy Light at latitude 38°58'39.5" N., longitude 076°28'49" W., thence southeast to a point 1,500 yards ESE of Chinks Point, MD at latitude 38°57'41" N., longitude 076°27'36" W., thence northeast to Greenbury Point at latitude 38°58'27.7" N., longitude 076°27'16.4" W. The effect will be to restrict vessel traffic on the Severn River and College Creek.

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Within the regulated area, there will be a temporary access channel defined by floating markers for boaters to transit in and out of Annapolis Harbor. Additionally, the boundaries of the air show box and a commercial vessel spectator area will be delineated with floating markers. The temporary access channel will be established near Horn Point Light HP (LLNR 19745), to allow vessels to transit into and out of Annapolis Harbor during the event; vessels operating in this area will do so at their own discretion. This channel will be delineated by 8 red and 7 green unlit floating markers, which will be set on May 24, 2021 and removed immediately after the event on May 26, 2021. At no time will spectators be permitted to obstruct either the temporary access channel or the federal navigation channel outside the regulated area. A “Commercial Vessel Spectator Zone” is located immediately adjacent to the temporary access channel.

All boaters and people within the regulated area must obey directions from the U.S. Coast Guard Event Patrol Commander or their designated patrol craft. The Event Patrol Commander and designated patrol craft can be contacted on Marine Band Radio, VHF-FM Channel 16 while the regulated area is established.

Boaters who are planning on attending the event are requested to review the Maritime Safety and Security Bulletin 04-21 for more detailed information, which may be viewed by visiting the Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region homepage here.
