NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Johnson Wins Long Jump, 4x400 Meter Relay Takes 1st; Beasley 4x400 Meter Relay, Earns All-American
CNB Comics: Jerome by Dave Wolfe


Scrapbook of Carmen Palmiero, Outstanding GHS/Penn State Athlete Who Died Too Soon

Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 16.15.51Carmen Palmiero,  top, right, surrounded by a star


CNB SPORTS: Carmen Palmiero formerly of Brooklawn was an outstanding all-around athlete at Gloucester City High School in the mid-1950s. Palmiero was 6a00d8341bf7d953ef0278802cdd13200d-120wi
a  4 sport star playing Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track. Palmiero headed to Penn State after his graduation where he excelled in Basketball


Tragically Dec. 21, 1956, Palmiero and friend Stanley Goldstein died in an auto accident driving home for Christmas Vacation

We were recently provided with a copy of a scrapbook by Rose Van Eck, Carmen’s sister. 

On-Page Three: Basketball Box Score (Campbell, St. John, Hudson, Palmiero, Neilio, Buri and Hawthorne)

Auto Accident Dec. 21, 1956,  City Series Champions

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Click on images  to Enlarge 


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Carmen Palmiero


CP Funeral CP Junior (2)

CP Junior (3)

