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CNB Fishing News Maryland: Know Your Trout


Do You Know Your Trout? 

How well do you know your trout? This is an important question we have been asking anglers like you. Maryland waters are home to one native trout species: brook trout. Mostly found in the streams and rivers of Western Maryland, the presence of brook trout indicates that a stream is healthy. While fishing for brook trout is allowed, the department is trying to protect this species with rules limiting take of these fish. Each year, the Department of Natural Resources stocks golden, rainbow, and brown trout for fishing. It is important that anglers know how to tell these species apart. Test your trout ID skills here!  And check out our new pocket guide to learn how to identify Maryland's trout species. 


Spring Trout Stocking 

Spring means trout stocking! Our hatchery teams have been busy stocking tens of thousands of brown, golden, and rainbow trout. These trout are raised in our hatcheries and grown throughout the fall and winter specifically for a spring release. While you can fish for trout now, some areas are closed until March 27.  

Anglers can get in on the exciting spring trout fishing season now! You can sign up for daily stocking information or explore our interactive stocking map to see what areas have been stocked near you. You can also check for updates daily on our website and once a week on a recorded phone message at 1-800-688-3467.


Youth Fishing Rodeos

Are you looking to get out and do some fishing this spring? Do  you want some tips and tricks on how land your first catch? Join local anglers at a youth fishing rodeo! Throughout the spring and early summer dozens of community youth fishing rodeos are held across the state. These kid-friendly events offer young anglers the opportunity to learn the tools of trade and get hooked on fishing.  

Check out our Youth Fishing Rodeo list to see where a youth fishing derby is happening near you. Get your fish on!


Commemorate a Milestone

My First Fish recognizes an angler's achievement of getting their first catch. Fill out the certificate and print it on a color printer. You can also attach a photo to the top right corner.

Any fish caught in Maryland waters is eligible. Fish that do not comply with state law or regulations must be immediately returned to the water.

Youth Angler's log graphic

Brag a Little...

Share your fishing memories on the Youth Angler’s Log, a
site dedicated to capturing the experiences of Maryland's youth anglers.


Submit your catch and tell your own fish story with a written description and a photo. Smile!
