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Food Pantries Benefit from Kiwanis Club

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Past New Jersey District Kiwanis Governor Jack Wilson (right) of Haddon Township presents Bellmawr Mayor Charles Sauter (left) a $150 grant for municipal hunger projects.  Photo by Milton Smith.

HADDONFIELD: Food pantries in Bellmawr and Barrington are beneficiaries of grants from the New Jersey District of Kiwanis.

Grants of $150 each were recently presented by the Kiwanis Club of the Haddons to Bellmawr Mayor Charles Sauter and to Barrington Municipal Clerk Terry Shannon.  Each municipality will distribute the funds to smaller pantries serving their residents.  

The New Jersey District of Kiwanis Foundation offered competitive grants to Kiwanis Clubs throughout the state who showed a dedicated effort in combating food insecurity within their service areas.  The Kiwanis Club of the Haddons secured two $150 grants.

Over the course of this calendar year, over $1000 has been raised and donated by the Kiwanis Club to area food pantries in Collingswood, Cherry Hill, Barrington, Bellmawr and Camden.  In addition, financial support and gifts-in-kind have been made to Dubin House, Cherry Hill Public Schools, Cathedral Kitchen and Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey.

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Past New Jersey District Kiwanis Governor Jack Wilson (left) of Haddon Heights presents Barrington Municipal Clerk Terry Shannon (2nd from left) a $150 grant for municipal hunger projects while Barrington residents and Kiwanis club members Dawn Mutchler and Kirk Popiolek look on.  Photo by Milton Smith

On Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service on January 18, the Kiwanis club is planning several ‘no-contact’ food drives to serve food banks in the area.  Check for updates on how you can participate on the club’s Facebook site, HaddonsKiwanis.  

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.  The club meets every Friday via conference call to plan and carry out service projects, from 12:15PM until 1:30PM, and invites all area adults to join.  For meeting and club information please contact club secretary Milton Smith, 856-559-2009 or [email protected].  Like us at  

