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New Jersey's Reef Network Expanded, Named Maher Terminals Reef

November 23, 2020

Deployment Video
DEP News Release

On October 28 and November 10, 2020, Bureau of Marine Fisheries staff expanded New Jersey's reef network through a deployment of nearly 6,000 tons of concrete on the Manasquan Inlet reef site.

This new feature inside the Manasquan Inlet reef site will be called the Maher Terminals Reef in recognition of the donated material by Maher Terminals, located in Port Elizabeth, NJ. Material consisted of 151 concrete forms, measuring 40 feet x 8 feet x 1.5 feet each. The forms, once used for shipping container inspections, were no longer needed and were slated for demolition and disposal.



The structure of the reef, and the feeding opportunities provided by the animals growing on the reef, attract species such as black sea bass, tautog and lobster, and provide excellent opportunities for recreational anglers and divers.

Fully colonized reef structure
A Fully Colonized Reef Structure
Click to enlarge

Maher Terminals has committed to revisiting the reef site annually for several years to document the progression of material from bare concrete to a reef ecosystem.

The Manasquan Inlet reef is approximately two miles east of the inlet and is one of the newest reefs in the artificial reef system.

Center point coordinates are 40° 04.617' N and 073° 59.040' W.
The reef footprint encompasses 0.84 square miles, but only two deployments had been made prior to these recent deployments. The new material adds nearly 1.25 acres of artificial reef habitat on what was formerly featureless sand bottom.

Comments or questions can be directed to Peter Clarke, New Jersey Reef Coordinator, at 609-748-2020.

Artificial Reef Program
Previous Reef Deployments
Artificial Reef Locations
A Guide to Fishing and Diving New Jersey's Reefs
