NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Utility Work on Lower Landing Road and Almonesson Road in Gloucester Twp.
Buena Vista Regional HS Students Recognizing Knock Out Opioid Abuse

Lions Opening Day Winner 50 - 14

The much anticipated 2020 GHS Lions Football got off to an impressive start in Lindenwold winning 50 - 14. The opening kickoff saw the Lions kick returner Chris Dolson ramble down to Lindenwold 35 yard line before Steven Burkhardt started to scoring.  Quickly the Lions defense confused the Lindenwold Lions offense resulting in a muffed punt setting up the Gloucester Lions for another score.

The Lions along with other New Jersey High School's will play a limited shorten campaign. The Lions who competed in the Tri-County Conference for over 50 years will compete in all sports beginning fall 2020 (except Football) in the Colonial Conference.

The Gloucester Lions next game at Wildwood on Thursday

Photos Courtesy Bruce Darrow   More photos available at 

Pictured below  GHS Lions Defense


Pictured below #28 Steve Burkhardt


Pictured below #22 Chris Dolson


Pictured below #55 Evan Coxe

