NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Points to consider when shopping for bathroom sink bowls
Officer Down: Sergeant Ethan Kaskin Killed in Traffic Accident


William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews

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(CNBNews photo)-Gloucester City Police issued a ticket to the owner of the car above. The sign reads no parking Monday between 9:30 AM and 11 AM. Several weeks ago CNBNews took a picture of the same car parked at the same location, also on  Monday. 


William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews


YOUR COMPLAINTS WERE HEARD!—Several people submitted JEERS  for our September Cheers and Jeers  column complaining  about  the City of Gloucester not enforcing the no parking ordinances on days the street sweeper is operating in their neighborhood. It was pointed out in that Jeer in 2007 when we first wrote about the street sweeper the city was realizing annual fines of $156,000 from parking citations compared to the period of 2014 to 2018 when the income of annual fines ranged between a low $1,178 and to a high of $1,506. .


Today we found a police officer on East Brown Street  giving out tickets to several people who were in violation of the ordinance. One of those to receive a ticket was the owner of the car we featured in the column who was parked in the same location as today a few Monday's ago.  A block away the  officer  ticketed  two other cars.

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It is nice to see that those in charge of running our city are listening to the people who elected them. 

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WHAT'S BEHIND THE  CLOSED DOOR-For the past six months or more construction work has been ongoing at the old Laudromat/Ice Cream store at 886 Market Street. Over that period of time we spoke with a number of  people asking  them to guess what kind of business was  going to open at  that location. Today we talked with one of the workers and learned that  building is being renovated into a warehouse for Anyzek Fuel.

Darn! We were hoping for a ice cream palace and restaurant.


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MOTHER NATURE IS FASCINATING—A giant bees nest appeared earlier in the summer in the  River Heights section of Gloucester City. The  detail and work that went into building the nest by a colony of bees is a site to behold. To think that such small insects could construct such a intricate structure is just amazing.

According to Wikipedia a beehive is an enclosed structure in which some honey bee species of the subgenus Apis live and raise their young. Though the word beehive is commonly used to describe the nest of any bee colony, scientific and professional literature distinguishes nest from hive. Nest is used to discuss colonies which house themselves in natural or artificial cavities or are hanging and exposed. Hive is used to describe an artificial/man-made structure to house a honey bee nest.

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The nest's internal structure is a densely packed group of hexagonal prismatic cells made of beeswax, called a honeycomb. The bees use the cells to store food (honey and pollen) and to house the brood (eggs, larvae, and pupae).


Beehives serve several purposes: production of honey, pollination of nearby crops, housing supply bees for apitherapy treatment, and to try to mitigate the effects of colony collapse disorder. In America, hives are commonly transported so that bees can pollinate crops in other areas.[3] A number of patents have been issued for beehive designs.


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published | SEPT. 28 2020




