NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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Atlantic White Cedar Restoration - Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area

During fall 2020, the Division's Bureau of Land Management will begin a six (6) acre Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) restoration in Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area. Atlantic White Cedar forests are classified as a globally threatened ecosystem as a result of centuries of resource harvest without plans for stand regeneration, clearing for development, deer browse, and competition with hardwood species.

These wetland-forests host an abundance of rare plants and animals, and provide critical ecological services like water pollutant filtration, flood protection, and carbon storage. This restoration will abide by the NJDEP Atlantic white-cedar Ecology and Best Management Practices manual (below).

This project will be carried out in partnership with Stockton University as well as state-certified consulting foresters as the first step in a larger plan to bring ecological forestry practices back to Tuckahoe and Maple Lake WMAs, collectively known as the "Lenape Farms Unit". This 5000+ acre tract has a rich history of ecological forestry practices that for decades has benefited New Jersey wildlife. Drawing upon the expertise of conservation-based state agencies and nonprofits, this plan will look to increase habitat diversity on the tract ensuring native wildlife has habitat to thrive, as well as increase recreational opportunity for New Jersey's outdoor enthusiasts.

The Division appreciates the public's cooperation and understanding as we work to proactively manage our public lands for the benefit of New Jersey's wildlife and outdoor recreation opportunity.

NJDEP Atlantic white-cedar: Ecology and Best Management Practices Manual (pdf, NJ Forest Service)

Tuckahoe WMA Map (pdf, 420kb)
Maple Lake WMA Map (pdf, 4.1mb)

Stand of dead cedars
Cedar trees killed due to beaver flooding. The flooding has since receded making the area ready for restoration.
Click to enlarge

For more information, please contact Tyler Kinney at [email protected].

This project is made possible with state dedicated conservation funding and revenue from the federal Wildlife Restoration Program. These funds are generated from the purchase of hunting and target shooting equipment and supplies. This is just one way that hunters and recreational shooters support conservation in New Jersey.

Habitat Restoration Projects
The Wildlife Management Area System


NJ Audubon Project To Restore Atlantic White Cedar In the Rancocas Creek and Maurice River Watersheds
