NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

UPDATED: Name of Suspect Released/Gloucester City Police Arrest Bomb Suspect
Those free COVID-19 money offers are scams



(Warning: some of the language in this video may be offensive to the viewer)


The text below is from Everipedia 
Kevin N. Hodge and Keith W. Hodge (better known as the Hodge Twins, are YouTubersfitness expert, and stand-up comedians (film). Together, they own and operate the Hodgetwins fitness and entertainment brand. As of June 2020, they have over 2.21 million subscribers on one of their three YouTube channels, 1.2 million followers on Instagram and 473,000 followers on Twitter.
Keith and Kevin Hodge were born on September 17, 1975 in Martinsville, Virginia. The,y grew up in a family of four kids; they have an older sister and an older brother. They were born and raised in Virginia, living in poverty. They recall shoplifting hamburger meat and pasta from Wal-Martbecause they didn't have a decent supply of food at home. Both of them eventually went to College. They graduated with Accounting and Finance degrees from the American InterContinental University. Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 14.49.36


Before YouTube

Before getting into the entertainment industry and making Youtube videos, both Keith and Kevin Hodge (photo) worked in several different industries. They've been enlisted in the Marine Corps, they worked as undercover security guards pretending to be customers to catch potential shoplifters,  and they worked at an insurance company.  However, they never seemed to enjoy what they were doing. While they were working at the insurance company, they started making YouTube videos on the side.
One day, while they were at work, Keith Hodge had the idea of quitting their jobs and making YouTube videos full-time. 
On December 25, 2008, Kevin and Keith Hodge uploaded their first video on their first YouTube channel, TheHodgetwins. It was a comedy sketch that involved an argument inside a restroom.  The channel eventually turned into a comedy channel where they would give their views on current events. 
Once the channel gained traction, the twins eventually branched out to discuss different subjects. They started giving relationship advice, which was first suggested by one of their subscribers.
After gaining traction on their first channel, Keith and Kevin focused on their personal fitness and started uploading videos on what is their most popular channel, Twin Muscle Workout. It has 2.1 million subscribers as of (July 2019). 

Stand-Up Comedy

Over the last few years, the Hodge Twins have aimed to legitimize themselves as stand-up comedians and actors. They now do comedy tours all over the world.  Their comedy sets are inspired by Richard Pryor and Bill Burr as they have a narrative format infused with jokes based on outlandish personal stories of their relationships, past job experiences, and growing up poor. 
