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The Effect of Technology on Modern Relationships

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So many aspects of our lives are impacted by technology in the 21st century, from employment to leisure activities, and this is particularly the case with relationships. The advent of the dating site has been one of the most significant examples of technology enhancing the way people communicate with each other. Not so long ago, singles would congregate in bars, nightclubs, or social functions, waiting for opportunities to engage in conversation. Now you can download an app to your phone or tablet and within minutes you can start checking out lists of potential contacts. So without further ado, here is the top 6 ways technology affect modern relationships according to experts from


Ease of communication


Couples can touch base in so many different ways now, especially if they share social media platforms. Once upon a time people would say their goodbyes in the morning, Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 12.29.29then go off to work or study without communicating until they were reunited at the end of the day. Now we can drop texts at any time. Or we can email. Or send Facebook messages. Or make Facetime calls. Technology has added a whole new dimension to relationships, allowing 24/7 communication.


Lack of communication


Like so many other things in life, technology and its effect on communication is a double-edged sword. Many are uncomfortable with the fact there are so many temptations to be lured into what’s going on inside a tiny screen. For a lot of social media users, it can be difficult to switch off and return to the real world. Even couples who are enjoying an otherwise contented relationship can find themselves unduly distracted by the virtual world, sometimes taking their smart devices to bed with them to continue texting or posting until the last available moment, cutting themselves off from the partner lying by their side.


Individual tastes catered for


Technology has made it much easier for people to connect with others sharing their tastes. Where those with specific hobbies were once restricted to a few outlets where they might be able to mix with kindred spirits, now all they have to do is pop the subject of their choice into their search engine, and a host of Facebook groups will clamor for their attention. They can be notified of events, and feel a huge sense of participation.

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Finding compatible partners


Compatibility lies at the core of relationships, but this was an aspect that wasn’t always prominent before technology gained such a prominent hold. You might meet someone in a nightclub you were superficially attracted to, but you would have had no way of appreciating their interests or aspirations. Dating sites allow you to check out individual profiles, keeping an eye out for the site users you have most in common with. You can also take advantage of communication channels to send direct messages, finding out even more about a potential love interest, building a rapport.


Joining communities


Dating isn’t necessarily confined to one person seeking a connection with someone else. When you join a dating site the technology can allow you to interact with a host of interesting people via chat rooms or forums. This engenders a community spirit – signing up for many of these websites is more like being welcomed into a vibrant social circle.


Crossing barriers


Technology means you can get in touch with people from far afield within a few clicks of your keyboard. With video chatting software, there are no boundaries to communication. If you’re single, perhaps you’re looking for someone local for a relationship. On the other hand, you could find yourself getting into a flirty conversation with another site user living in Polynesia or Latin America. The possibilities are endless.




