Thank Goodness Online Education is an Option...
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Where would we be in this pandemic without the option of online education?
College students would have their graduation pushed back because they weren't earning any credits. Online college education is not the same as attending lectures? Obviously that provides a different dynamic, but protecting health is paramount. No amount of education or credits is worth losing lives - including yours.
Futures should not be postponed! Far better for students to keep moving forward getting credits online, especially at a community college where they are far cheaper, than putting their degrees farther away. The true quality of education largely lies in what students are willing to do.
I've taught over 20,000 students in colleges, both lecture and in over 250 online courses, and in my former real estate school. Delivery format and instructional quality can make a difference, but student application is the real key. That can happen just as well whether classes are online or in person.
My online Camden County College classes start in September: Introduction to Business (Mgt101-DOL1) Legal Environment/LawI (Law101-DOL) Camden County College has many, many others.
Register now at Keep moving ahead! You won't regret it...
Lawrence Danks,
Camden County College Professor