Wednesday, August 19, 2020
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews Editor
CHEER-Lisa Mollet was very grateful to be back at work as a waitress at the Empire Diner, Brooklawn. Sunday, two regular customers gave her the tip of a lifetime. “They blessed me,” Lisa exclaimed. FoxNews 29 reported a local man, and his wife gave Lisa their 2006 Nissan Ultima as a tip for their Sunday meal.
CHEER-Dan Bongino, Conservative News contributor, former secret service agent, and New York police officer was at the Atilis Gym in Bellmawr last week to show his support for the owners.
JEER-A video of customers working out at the Atilis Gym, Bellmawr revealed that the members were standing close together and many of them were not wearing a mask.
CHEER-A more environmentally-friendly cargo ship arrived here recently according to Philadelphia CBSLocal. The M/V Del Monte Gold is an energy-efficient refrigerated cargo ship. A ceremony marking the ship’s arrival was held in Gloucester City Monday before the ship docked at the Port of Philadelphia. The ship features several innovations to reduce energy use and scrubbers to clean its exhaust. It’s cargo today included 11,000 pallets of bananas, pineapples and other tropical fruits from Central and South America.
JEER—Hirsh V. Singh who ran in the Republican primary for the Senate blames the mail-in ballot program for his loss. Singh says in one area over 49,000 votes were scanned in, but supposedly those people did not vote for President or U.S. Senate; Over 40,000 votes were rejected and not counted by the Board of Elections; Thousands of votes were received by the Boards of Elections but not processed, reported, or counted by the Secretary of State; thousands of votes were stamped July 8th by the postal service but were handled differently by each county. Do we need another example of why mail-in ballots are not a good idea?
CHEER-Give businessman Mike Soll a round of applause for his humanitarian efforts to feed shut-ins in Gloucester City.
JEER-Sadly there are approximately 1200 gyms in our state that are being forced out of business because of the animosity Gov. Murphy has towards the owners of the Atilis Gym in Bellmawr. They dared to challenge him about his right to close a business. Can you imagine investing $1 million to open a gym and then watch your investment go belly up? If people can go to Walmart, sunbath on the beach, shop at the mall why can't a gym be open? Unfortunately, Murphy has taken the gym issue personally. And, he is allowing his personal feelings to interfere with his better judgment.
CHEER-A shout-out to local photographer Heidi Weaver for making lasting memories for those graduating during the pandemic. Heidi's work graces the cover of Dawn Watson's novel.
JEER-Lately the citizens of Gloucester City have had trouble with a few teenagers that think it's okay to terrorize the public an act like animals around our town. I had a meeting with the city council and the police chief and was told the problem is the courts. If you have had problems with these same kids email me [email protected] It is time we take our neighborhood back an run these punks out of town. Forget about their parents they are no help at all.
CHEER—Kudos to the teachers who have been preparing for the start of a school year that will be unlike any other in our country’s history.
JEER-We live on a dead-end street in Gloucester City. Whenever there is construction work on the street we are never notified until we wake up in the morning and see the street has been dug up. We know this is true in other neighborhoods as well. Why can't the public works department hand out a flyer a few days before the work begins so the residents could be forewarned? A thoughtful gesture like that would go a long way, Mayor Dan!
JEER-Crime is happening in our city and other nearby communities as well, but, we never hear from the local police departments about these robberies, burglaries, acts of vandalism, or arrests. It makes one wonder if our men in blue have something to hide from the people paying their salaries.
JEER-Sadly Gov. Murphy's unreasonable coronavirus rules have taken out another long-time business. This time it is Villa Rosa, a fixture in Haddonfield for 33 years. The pizzeria shut down Saturday afternoon. Nearby Lux Cafe, in Cherry Hill announced it was laying off 117 of its employees. Let the restaurants and gyms open!
CHEER-Law enforcement people are undergoing a barrage of criticism and media attacks. What many fail to realize is that the “bad policing” that is highlighted by the main stream media, DOES NOT represent all law enforcement. Thank you to the great Police Officers who despite being criticized unjustly continue to help and protect the populace.
JEER-On a daily basis there is constant extreme loud banging from the Missing Moves project. It starts early in the morning before dawn and is loud enough to wake everyone in Bellmawr. It stops later in the day when everyone is up. It’s been going on for months. Residents of Bellmawr aren’t getting anything from the project except for headaches!
CHEER- Hats off to the people who run the “Helping Hands Outreach” Program. They are out and about on the front lines, providing help, food and clothing, and other resources for the homeless. They have helped countless individuals time and time again and deserve to be commended.
JEER- Too many times people don’t vote because it doesn’t fit their agenda or they are just too lazy. Not voting is as good as a vote for what you are opposed to. Get in the game, VOTE, and demand better from these career politicians. Remember THEY WORK FOR YOU AND I, not the other way around.
CHEER -Residents can now pay their taxes and utility bills online in Gloucester City. It feels great to finally be in the 21st century.
JEER- To what amounts to “failed” Governors and Mayors controlling the Blue States have made poor decisions, hampered police efforts, and failed to maintain control, law, and order. They allowed rioting, looting, and destruction of property to go unchecked costing billions to law-abiding taxpayers. Now they are asking for federal money to pay for their failures and the damages. They are a disgrace and should not be in office.
JEER-King Phil Murphy has mandated mail-in ballots for the Nov. presidential election despite the fact that there was fraud committed during the July 7 Primary. In Paterson, 19 percent of ballots were disqualified because they were altered, filled out fraudulently, and stolen. The approximately 6.2 million active voters in the state will all be sent ballots in the mail. Call King Phil, 609- 292- 6000, demand electronic polling booths remain open this November!!
JEER - Gloucester City Schools will not be ready for opening day as the desk barricades are still not delivered and installed fully. Also, Insight has not responded to providing subs to the district, no information sent out to parents, etc.
CNBNews June 2020 Cheers and Jeers
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