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Millville Public Firearm Range Open

Range Improvements at Millville WMA


Millville Range Shooting StationsJuly 29, 2020

MILLVILLE, NJ--The Division is excited to unveil the recently renovated public firearm range located on Millville Wildlife Management Area. The upgraded training range is now open to licensed hunters and their guests. Upon arrival at the range, shooters will immediately notice:

  • A covered firing-line
  • Eight new individual shooting stations, including one ADA-compliant station
  • Reinforced downrange concrete baffles
  • Improved parking area

The Millville WMA firearm range is unique, as it is the longest (just over 200 yards) range managed by the Division. The new bench rests and seats provide a stable platform for shooters to hone their skills at the longer distances. Downrange baffles and target berms eliminate the potential for bullets to travel beyond the backstop. These enhancements will increase the safety and maximize the enjoyment of recreational shooters.

The improvements were made possible with state dedicated conservation funding and revenue from the federal Wildlife Restoration Program, generated from the purchase of hunting and target shooting equipment and supplies. This is just one way that hunters and recreational shooters support conservation in New Jersey.

The Millville Wildlife Management Area public shooting range is located 2.8 miles West from the intersection of Ackeley Road and Buckshutem Road in Millville. GPS Coordinates are 39.3189, -75.0607.
Location Map (Google Maps)

Millville WMA Rifle Range  Millville WMA Rifle Range Shooting Station


The following information pertains to NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife facilities located on state Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). Users must bring their own targets and/or clay birds and launcher; archery ranges include backstops. For range location see maps linked from the List of Wildlife Management Areas. For other WMA information call 609-984-0547.

These ranges are maintained by the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife's Bureau of Land Management through license sales revenue.

Those using the ranges must provide their own firearms and/or bows, ammunition, arrows, clay birds and/or targets. Only backstops at bow ranges are provided. Please note that state WMAs and facilities are "carry in - carry out" and trash receptacles are not provided; please plan accordingly to not leave any trash or recyclables behind.

Information on privately operated facilities is available at Where To Shoot, a site maintained by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Note that some shotgun ranges, and one muzzleloader range, have been closed to comply with the recommendations for best management practices of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

New berm at Stafford Forge WMA range
New berm at Stafford Forge WMA range
Click to enlarge


  • All WMA regulations apply.
  • At least one (1) member of the shooting party must have a current, valid New Jersey hunting license in possession.
  • Shotgun is for fine shot (lead-free at Assunpink; smaller than No. 4 lead or No. T steel ammunition) only. NO BUCKSHOT OR RIFLED SLUGS
  • Archery is for target or practice tips only - No broadheads.
  • Muzzleloader is for muzzleloading firearmsshotguns with rifled slugs or buckshotmodern .17 and .22 caliber rimfire rifles*, and air-guns in the calibers legal for small game hunting only.
  • No handguns or centerfire rifles* permitted.
  • Hours are 8:00 a.m. - sunset (except Black River WMA, see below)
  • Clinton Muzzleloader/Rifle Range Rules
    *Centerfire rifles up to and including .30 caliber are allowed at the Clinton, Colliers Mills and Millville ranges ONLY

MAPS: Clicking on WMA name opens a location map in PDF format in a new tab or window.


Hunterdon County
Clinton WMA
Route 173W
Shotgun, Archery, Muzzleloader (100 yards, Centerfire to .30 caliber)
NOTE: The Clinton Muzzleloader/Rifle Range has special rules which must be followed. See below.

Morris County
Black River WMA
Route 513 (Dover-Chester Road)
Shotgun, Archery
Shotgun range hours are 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday - Friday ONLY, from the third Saturday in May through the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. (Archery range remains open.)
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily for the rest of the year.
Range is closed on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday.

Sussex County
Flatbrook-Roy WMA
Route 615
Shotgun, Archery, Muzzleloader (75 yards)

Warren County
Pequest WMA
Pequest Road


Monmouth County
Assunpink WMA
Imlaystown-Hightstown Road
Upper Freehold Twp.
Shotgun (lead-free shot only), Archery

Turkey Swamp WMA
Georgia Road
Freehold Twp.
*special regulations apply call 732-842-4000

Ocean County
Colliers Mills WMA
Off Colliers Mills and Hawkins Roads
Colliers Mills
Archery, Muzzleloader (50 and 100 yards, Centerfire to .30 caliber)

Stafford Forge WMA
Off Route 539 south of Warren Grove
Little Egg Harbor Twp.
Shotgun, Archery, Muzzleloader (100 yards)


Atlantic County
Makepeace Lake WMA
Elmwood-Weymouth Road
Shotgun, Archery, Muzzleloader (50 yards)

Gloucester County
Winslow WMA
Piney Hollow Road
Monroe Twp.
Archery (50 yards)

Cape May County
Tuckahoe WMA
Off Tuckahoe Road (Route 631)

Cumberland County
Millville WMA
Ackley Road (Route 718)
Shotgun, Archery, Muzzleloader (50 and 200 yards, Centerfire to .30 caliber)

Clinton Muzzleloader/Rifle Range Rules

The following rules apply to the Clinton Muzzleloader/Rifle Range ONLY:

  • All target frames must measure a minimum 30 inches from its base to the bottom of the paper target held in the frame. Frames must be placed only on top of a target mound located at the 25, 50 and 100 yard lines. This minimum target height requirement will eliminate the risk of ricochet and ensure that all projectiles are collected in the berm behind the 100 yard target.
  • Shooters may supply their own frames which meet the above specifications, or use those provided on-site by the Division of Fish and Wildlife.
  • Spinner type targets for .22 caliber firearms MUST be placed directly at the base of the 25 yard berm so that all bullets are directed into the berm. These targets are not to be used at other yardage or berm placements.

Hunter Training Area/Range Information
