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E J Dalius Discusses Marketing Challenges Faced By Small Businesses Worldwide

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( 15, 2020)--Marketers are known to encounter varied challenges. Even though generally share similar aspirations and goals, some marketers are having a tough time employing high talent while some others are having issues identifying the perfect technology for their unique requirements. It pays to keep in mind that there would always be some scope for improvement and some area that needs your attention. There is some room for optimization so that the diverse elements or core constituents of your stratagem and make your marketing far more efficient revenue generator. E J Dalius says that research has revealed that between 2017 and 2019, generating leads and traffic and evaluating ROI are the top marketing challenges faced by businesses globally.

Eric Dalius Presents Top Global Marketing Challenges

Stepping Up Recruitment Efforts

A lot of marketing companies have trouble hiring the best talent in the market. Since more and more firms are moving to inbound marketing, it means the demand for talent in the industry is at an all-time high, and firms are willing to splash big bucks on acquisitions. The talent pool is not particularly huge, however, combined with a dramatic change in the marketing landscape that now requires marketers to be well-versed with technical aspects of what they promote alongside having great soft skills.

Actually finding suitable candidates can take quite a lot of time, sometimes even months. As a recruiter, you should be setting goals for what you want each candidate to achieve, keeping sure that you aren't making your list of demands too overbearing, or, at the extreme opposite end, compromising on potential deliverables just to have a larger, more diverse talent pool to pick from. In-demand skill sets include SEO, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Content Marketing.

Training and Upskilling

The technical and technological landscape is more diverse than ever before, and it continues to involve at a breakneck pace. As your company, as well as, the domain it deals with, are scaling at an incredible pace, it will be quite difficult for your marketers to keep up. Continuous training, learning, and evaluation programs are a must for any firm that wishes for their associates to live up to their full potential. You can follow in the footsteps of large conglomerates, even though your budgets, as well as, ability to procure training might be wildly different. Understanding the paths that the pioneers take to succeed is a great way to achieve success yourself.

Assessing Accurately the ROI of All Your Marketing Efforts

As per, it becomes a crucial marketing challenge if you are unable to provide or evaluate the ROI. Remember incorrect ROI could adversely impact your budget allocation and all your ROI tracking endeavors. A wrong ROI would be hurting all business promotion efforts. It would be responsible for reducing overall sales and profits.

Eric J Dalius understands that ROI still remains the single most important factor for marketers to understand and evaluate the efficacy of a piece of content or a specific marketing campaign.  It is critical statistics that help in demonstrating the progress or success of your campaign. You must devote valuable resources and time to building links between sales results and marketing endeavors. This implies utilizing both an effective CRM solution and marketing software.


A meticulous analysis of your current marketing stratagems and its performance could assist you in understanding precisely where your greatest marketing challenges and opportunities lie. Take proactive steps to overcome the challenges at the earliest.

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