Web Media in Japan
Thursday, June 18, 2020
(Gloucestercitynews.net)(June 18, 2020)--Thanks to the technology, there has been a major shift from traditional media to digital across the world. Japan has also experienced a significant shift. Today, there are many platforms online that connect and interact with users and customers. Many businesses are taking advantage of the opportunities presented by technology to promote their brands and businesses and ultimately enhance their return on investment. If you’re not convinced of the potentials that the online platform has to offer, you can find the summary of popular web media sites with over 5 million PV monthly at 人気サイト. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of these media sites and the measurable impacts they’ve experienced in their exploits.
- BuzzFeed Japan Version
Launched in January 2016, and operated by BuzzFeed Japan Co., Ltd., BuzzFeed Japan Version is a site that offers unique perspectives on the future of various phenomena in the society, covering technology, business, entertainment, and culture science. With over 5 million PV per month, this web platform is doing great.
- CNET Japan
Registered and operated by Asahi Interactive, a subsidiary of Asahi Shimbun, CNET Japan is known for providing information on overseas and domestic businesses and technology. With over 13 million PV per month, the CNET Japan platform gives a clear indication that the success of web media in Japan is on the rise.
- Rocket News 24
Operated by Socio Corporation, Rocket News 24 distributes overseas news, interesting news, and weird news through the online platform. It has more than 5 million PV per month with more potential for growth.
- Allabut
Operated by All About Co, Ltd, Allabut offers expert views on different aspects of life. You’ll find expert views on various types of topics, including health, travel, work, fashion, real estate, household appliances, entertainment, Smartphone, money, beauty, recipe, gourmet, love, marriage, domestic and overseas travel, and so much more. The website has over 30 million PV and the number has consistently been on the increase.
LIG has not restricted itself to the wall of the TV station. It has leveraged the web to build its brand and user base. LIG is operated by LIG Co., Ltd. It is a web production company that offers practical content that is related to web production and other interesting content designed to create ‘buzz’.
This is a web media platform for women within their teens and 20s. The platform offers a variety of information on things that interest these age groups, such as fashion, beauty, hairstyles, cosmetics, romance, outings, and so much more. The web media platform has attracted millions of visitors from different walks of life. With over 5 million PV per month, it is clear that web media in Japan is getting widely accepted.
The digital world is changing the way business enterprises and individuals think about and use technology. Technology has moved from playing the role of support to a driver of innovation, market, and revenue growth. It doesn’t matter what products or services you have to offer, the digital platform offers you the tools you need.
images courtesy of unsplash.com