NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Honey! I just saved a life!
Galloway Tax Preparer Charged with Filing False Tax Returns

DOWN THE SHORE: Sign Petition To Save Cape May County Turtles From Being Killed


In Cape May County there are multiple "boulevards" connecting the mainland of New Jersey to its barrier islands (Stone Harbor, Avalon, Wildwood, North Wildwood, Sea Isle, HXoAGsdtQAbJUYu-800x450-noPadOcean City). 

Every summer, turtles travel across these boulevards to lay their eggs on high land. The boulevards, filled with out-of-towners, have been featuring an unacceptable amount of dead turtles, crushed by the cars of those who would rather kill innocent animals than take a few seconds to help them across the street. 

This petition will be distrbuted to local municipalities in attempt to do a few things:

1. Increase signage on all boulevards to warn travelers of turtle crossing.

2. Allow citizens to report individuals for purposefully hitting turtles

3. Fine individuals who hit turtles (and have signs that make drivers aware of such fines)

4. Increase patrol of the boulevards for the weeks that turtles are crossing the road

5. Decrease speed limits on boulevards when turtles are crossing the road

Please sign this petition and help get the County and local governments on board to ensure the safety of our turtles and their eggs. 

click here to sign petition

