Camden County GOP Chair: Hirsh Singh Should Stop Confusing Voters
Saturday, June 27, 2020
HADDON HEIGHTS (June 25, 2020)--– Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino after receiving an image of a mailer sent by US Senate candidate Hirsh Singh called on the candidate to “immediately cease all attempts at confusing voters.”
In the Singh campaign mailer the candidate writes, “As a patriot, if you have been hoodwinked into voting for Rik Mehta, it is your patriotic duty to contact your county clerk and request a duplicate ballot to vote for the only Conservative Hirsh Singh. Your duplicate ballot will replace your earlier ballot.”
“In all my years participating in Republican politics this is a first! Singh is telling voters, vote early and if you change your mind, vote again. Al Capone would be proud.” Rich Ambrosino said, “I never thought I would live to see the day when a candidate for any office actually begged voters to change a vote they already cast.”
Ambrosino asked, “Can you ask someone who has already cast a vote on a machine to go back into the polling place to change their vote? Then, why should you be able to ask voters to change a vote they already cast by mail?”
“Singh needs to understand we aren’t playing a child’s game, this is an election, there are no do overs. For all his talk of patriotism Singh should understand it is very unpatriotic to ask people to vote twice,” Ambrosino said. “At this time I am calling on Hirsh Singh to publicly and immediately halt all attempts at confusing voters and to stop this nonsense of asking folks to vote twice. There are no do overs during non-pandemic elections and the same rule should apply now.”