NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Good News: MVC Announces Plans to Reopen
Guest Opinion: Protests, Not Religious Services, Okay In NYC

Black Lives Matters Protest in Gloucester City



CORRECTION: Tajee Almon (TJ) IS A RESIDENT of Gloucester City and a graduate of Gloucester High. Our information that he was from Sicklerville came from one of his social media pages. TJ said Vanessa Lamb was the organizer of the event and that he was just a helper.


William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews


Gloucester City, NJ (June 5, 2020)--A "Black Lives Matters Protest" will be held in Gloucester City on Sunday starting at Proprietors Park and marching north down King Street to Monmouth Street, east on Monmouth Street to the Library Parking

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This flyer about the event is circulating on the internet

Lot at Monmouth and the Railroad where it will end. 

Tajee Almon of Sicklerville is one of the organizer of the event.  His social media page says he is employed at West Coast Market Experience at Capital one and studied at Wilmington University, Delaware. A source has told us he grew up in Gloucester City and went to school at Gloucester High. 

Almon in a published comment,

"Stand for something or fall for anything. At first, I was on the fence about joining forces and seeing this to fruition - but who am I screaming for change around the world when it starts at home? Join me THIS SUNDAY 12PM and break the chain of racial injustice that exists in this community. Let’s keep it peaceful and let our voices be heard. #BlackLivesMatter "

The person who contacted the police about holding the event is Vanessa Lamb of Gloucester City who, according to  social media, is studying nursing at Rutgers University-Camden.

Lamb stated on social media, 

To everyone who might have doubts about the nature of our event on Sunday:
1) Our event is going to be peaceful and solemn as we remember all African American men women and children who have unjustly lost their lives at the hands of racism and brutality. We will be guided in prayer by local churches including St. Mary’s and the Epiphany Church on Monmouth St.
2) Our event is going to be taking a stand against racial injustice. We will exercise our right to free speech and our right to protest in order to initiate a very important conversation about racism and being anti-racist.
3) Our event is about UNITY. This event is for all races and all walks of life. We are working side by side with the Gloucester City Police Department to ensure our voices can be SAFELY heard. We are walking WITH the police. We are stressing the importance of PEACE.
4) Lastly, this event is about EVERYONE VERSUS RACISM. And the change we all want to see begins with our own community.
5) These peaceful protests are popping up all over Camden County. If we didn’t complete one in Gloucester City, what would that say about us? It’s not enough to be silent anymore. We need to be anti-racist.
We have reached out to both individuals on Facebook  asking them to contact us as we have questions about Sunday’s protest. Our email address [email protected]
This flyer about the event is circulating on the internet

The Gloucester City police issued a press release outlining the no parking restrictions for the streets that are involved during the protest. 


On Sunday, June 7th. between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm parking will be prohibited on the following streets to accommodate a planned march/protest:


  • King St. between Jersey and Market Sts. – both sides
  • Monmouth St. between Ellis St. and Railroad Ave. – both sides
  • N. Burlington St. between Bergen and Monmouth Sts. – both sides
  • Sussex St. between Somerset and Monmouth Sts. – both sides


The following roads will be closed to all traffic at approximately 12:00 pm during the march/protest:


  • Champion Road at Broadway
  • Railroad Ave. at Little Somerset St.
  • Somerset St. at Champion Road
  • Railroad Ave. at Bergen St.
  • S. Sussex St. at Somerset St.
  • N. Burlington St. at Bergen St.
  • S. Willow St. at Cumberland St.
  • N. Willow St. at Bergen St.
  • Powell St. at Third St.
  • Gloucester City Library parking lot entrances on Hudson and Monmouth Sts.


