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NJ2AS and Roubian file federal lawsuit against Gov. Murphy

The New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) and Alex “Alejandro” Roubian have formally filed a lawsuit against Governor Murphy on Tuesday, April 28th, 2020. Copies of the complaint and related documents can be found by clicking below: Thinkstockphotos-498474849_crop

Verified Complaint

Memorandum of Law


Order to Show Cause

In the complaint, NJ2AS and Alejandro contend Governor Murphy, unnamed staff, and the New Jersey Press Association have collectively conspired to bar a reporter from accessing press conferences and public information. The complainants further cite that the action is direct and malicious due to the fact NJ2AS filed a lawsuit against Governor Murphy in March and prevailed.

NJ2AS has complied with the New Jersey Press Association’s guidelines to attend press conferences and had attended numerous events with Governor Murphy, and even several during Governor Christie’s administration. When specific questions began to be asked of Governor Murphy during the Covid-19 press conferences, he showed frustration towards reporter Alex “Alejandro” Roubian and implied publicly that he wasn’t a real journalist and had no business attending the conferences. On the subsequent press conference, a representative of Governor Murphy’s office denied Mr. Roubian access to the event and armed State Police troopers forced him to leave the premises. Mr. Roubian was subsequently kicked out in the same fashion two other days for a total of three times.

“The Governor’s actions in barring NJ2AS and Mr. Roubian from a public forum such as a press conference is not only inappropriate; it clearly violates their First Amendment rights and the oath of office the Governor took to uphold the constitution. Our First Amendment rights must be protected and the lawsuit filed by NJ2AS and Mr. Roubian are paramount not just to them but to the public at large.” said Mr. Roubian’s legal council, Albert Rescinio.

Requests for public records by NJ2AS into the arbitrary nature of the Governor’s banning and behavior returned no existence of any formal guidelines. Having consistently followed the New Jersey Press Association’s rules and attending several press events in the past, NJ2AS and Mr. Roubian are finding their First Amendment rights under attack alongside their Second Amendment rights. This is the second formal lawsuit filed by NJ2AS against members of the government since the Covid-19 Executive Orders enacted by Governor Murphy in March.

For inquiries, please contact Albert Rescinio Esq. at 732-531-2005 or by e-mail: [email protected]
