(Video) Wide View of Philadelphia Flyover
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
CNBNews photo
(CNBNews.net) (GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ) (April 28, 2020)--The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, the Thunderbirds, and the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, honored frontline COVID-19 responders and essential workers with formation flights over New York City, Newark, Trenton, and Philadelphia. Below is a wide view of the Philadelphia flyover taken from Holt Logistics Marine Terminal, Gloucester City, NJ. CNBNews would like to thank Leo Holt, Kurt Ferry, and Jerry Madden for their hospitality. Several hundred people crowded the Gloucester City waterfront looking for a place to view the event. When it was all over traffic on Market Street from the riverfront heading out of Gloucester City to U.S. 130 was bumper to bumper for some time.
video credit CNBNews photographer Adam Tussey Sr.
(Video) Thunderbirds, Blue Angels to Salute NY, NJ and PA COVID-19 Responder/UPDATED!
CNBNews March & April Cheers and Jeers
published Gloucestercitynews.net April 28, 2020