NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

NJBIA Statement on January 1 Minimum Wage Increase
Get Your Family Outside in Cooler Weather: It’s Good for You

United States Responding to Attacks by Iraq

Statement by Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper (photo):

(December 31, 2019)--"The Department of Defense is working closely with the Department of State to ensure the security of our Embassy and personnel in Baghdad. We have taken Unknownappropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens, military personnel and diplomats in country, and to ensure our right of self-defense. We are sending additional forces to support our personnel at the Embassy. As in all countries, we rely on host nation forces to assist in the protection of our personnel in country, and we call on the Government of Iraq to fulfill its international responsibilities to do so. The United States continues to support the Iraqi people and a free, sovereign, and prosperous Iraq."


Dr. Mark T. Esper > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ...

