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See New Year's Eve Fireworks on the Battleship

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CAMDEN CITY, NJ--The Battleship will open her decks for guests to watch the 6 pm or Midnight SugarHouse New Year’s Eve Fireworks on the Waterfront.

We’ll have music, food concessions and bar service. We will open her decks two hours before each show – 4:00 pm for the 6:00 pm fireworks show and 10:00 pm for the midnight show.

Come aboard for just a $10 donation per person.

Become a member today ($40) and receive 5 free tickets to the fireworks show! Call (856) 966-1652 Extension 127 for details.

All proceeds go to the on-going restoration of the Battleship, a non-profit museum and memorial.

Fire the 5-inch gun at the conclusion of the 6:00 pm and Midnight Fireworks! We’ll offer chances for guests to pull the trigger and fire this historic gun on New Year’s Eve!

6 PM Show Tickets
Midnight Show Tickets

Also available by calling 866-877-6262 ext. 108, or at the Battleship’s Ticket Office, open every day from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm, except Christmas Day, and prior to both the 6:00 pm and Midnight shows on New Year’s Eve.

Unless there are dangerous weather conditions, the fireworks will go forward, even if it’s raining. The Battleship will have the Officers’ Wardroom and the Exhibit interior spaces on the main deck open for guests prior to the start of the fireworks.

There are no chairs and lawn chairs are not permitted to be brought aboard the Battleship. No alcohol is permitted to be brought aboard the Battleship.

Both SugarHouse New Year’s Eve Fireworks on the Waterfront shows are free to Battleship Members.


62 Battleship Place Camden, NJ 08103

